Today started rainy but it stopped shortly after breakfast. We left the old shipping village Skärhamn around noon after a short walk and a couple of hour’s video conference for Hakan.

We were able to sail most of the narrow channels with the wind from SW.

By then, the clouds were gone and we had a rather slow but pleasant sail through the small town of Marstrand with its nice old houses. In part, we followed the same route we followed four years ago heading for the Med.
We found a free buoy at Hogo after only 11 nm and decided to spend the night there. The Swedish cruising association (SXK) have put out a lot of these around the coast and they are free to use for one night if you are a member with a registered boat. All you have to do is to fly the boy-flag that comes with the mail every spring, this year it is yellow.
’Tomorrow is, as always, another day. According to the forecast, the winds will be more favourable and there will be no rain so, we expect to cover a lot more miles. Click on “VAR ÄR VI” on the top menue and follow one of the links to see our position “live”.