
We left Skrova in the afternoon and motored against the wind the short distance to Svolvaer.

Hakan went for a long walk with a friend in search of gas. They did not have our 2 kg Swedish bottles, but they did have the small CampinGaz bottles we use for thegrill. So now we can keep the barbeque going.

Sweden’s national day was celebrated onboard Carmensita with strawberries and bubbles.

A service man arrived the following day to look at our Vitron charger/inverter. It was now working again but still blinking unexplainably. (The Swedish Vitron agent have not for two months and several emails been able to explain why). Five minutes on the phone to a colleague, the service man had a plausible explanation to the blinking. It is not an error indication but, a status indication. He tried to turn of the condition indicated but our present firmware version does not allow this. We hope to meet up next week to load a new version and hopefully get rid of the blinking.

We also got the explanation for the problem in Nordskot. Their dock in known for its unstable power supply. This leads to the charger turning itself of when voltage drops and then restarting again when voltage is OK. So, nothing is wrong with the unit, what a relief.