Today was the last day with southerly winds in the forecast so we decided on a long day trying to reach the northernmost port and navigable water in Sweden. A long and relatively fast sail took us up through the archipelago and in the end up the Tore (Töre) river. We sailed to the very end.

We had planned to stay in Tore overnight but, once there, we were met with torrential rain and, there was no suitable space for us in the smal harbour. To add insult to injury, we hit something on the bottom trying to find space. So we decided to go down river again. The cockpit cover was raised as protection for the rain and we savoured a nice cup of tea whilst gracefully motoring in the rain.

We were in in Smygehuk, the southernmost point in Sweden 55 deg 20 min north, on May 28. Smygehuk is around 850 miles from here if you sail along the coast without detours. We have sailed 1150 nm since then and around 1 400nm since we left hone May 11th.

We found the nice out harbour of Tore YC at Gardsviken (Gårdsviken) at the river mouth and enjoyed a barbecue dinner in the company of the crews of Azelia and Hubert. Nice to relax after a 70 nm day.