We had stable following winds yesterday. We started at seven with a nice breakfast sailing under Code 0. The Code was replaced with the gennaker shortly after breakfast. Four gibes took us along the fairways to Arholma where one has to go out in the open sea for around 20 nm. Another gibe at sea and then we were heading into a new archipelago.

We opted for a SXK boy at Sladdaron (Sladdarön) in an extremely well protected bay.

’We had some rain and a lot of mosquitoes in the evening but, our nets and cockpit tent kept most of them out of our way and we slept soundly after another nice day of sailing.

We had a slow start today as the planned distance was only 6 nm. It turned out to be 9 as we had to beat our way to windward. But, the weather was nice and the breeze perfect so no complains. We stopped early in Oregrund (Öregrund) as the forecast predicted strong northerlies (dead against) and rain today.

Oregrund is an old trading town on the east coast with a long shipping tradition. Almost all Swedish steal was exported from here during 17th and 18th century mostly to England where the “Argroun Irin” was highly sought after for its fine quality. There are well preserved wooden buildings in the old part of town.

We were lucky enough to find a kind man at the local museum that, despite the fact that the museum was not yet open for the season, gave us a tour and told a lot of stories from days gone by.