Hakan returned to Karlskrona yesterday evening with a friend. Wakeup today was early and we left the marina by 7 am. Motoring and then gently sailing east whilst eating breakfast took us to the first adventure. There is a nice shortcut going east from Karslkrona. Hakan had sailed it in the 1970-ties. The old bridge was an opening bridge and no problems but, the bridge today is fixed with a nominal clearance of 18 meters – our mast is 19.5.

Summer time low water, safety margins and the arch of the bridge played in our favour and, as with similar bridges, we cleared the bridge by at least half a meter. Following the bridge are some nice and well-marked narrow passages through rock-strewn shallow waters. Kind of scary at 7.5 knots…

We made it safely to open waters and had a beautiful, sunny and warm close reach (a first this year) up the sound between Oland (Öland) and the mainland in light winds. Our bellowed, and now restored, Code 0 gave us reasonable speeds almost all the way to Morbylanga (Mörbylånga).
We left all our sails to our sailmaker for service last fall. After some days he called and told us that he, for the first time, has seen a Code 0 that was worn out. We have used it a lot and it has been left hoisted in periods during longer sails. Sun is not kind to the special cloth used in the sail so he had remove the outmost panels, Now we have nice new bright white tapes along the leech and foot and a slightly smaller sail than before.

Morbylanga is a quiet little village with some shops and restaurants. We took a short walk and ended up with drinks by the harbour.