A light breeze gave us a nice gennaker reach half way to the Blekinge archipelago yesterday afternoon. We were headed for Karon (Karön) outside Ronneby on good advice. Also this day forced us to motor but this time due to lack of wind. The archipelago is small with narrow channels and often shallow waters. But, it is well marked and beautiful. We motored carefully a long way in shallow water and had no problems at the guest pontoon at Karon.

Karon is an old summer island now owned by the city. It is home to some nice summer houses and a restaurant from the early 20th century. It offers nice walks on well-marked paths and interesting houses. By tradition, and recently more strongly regulated, the properties have not been allowed to put up fences or in other ways block passage.

We sailed to Karlskrona this morning and picked up a car to take us home for work and Corona vaccination. Hakan will return shortly to continue sailing nort.

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