We are hiding from the wind today behind a high hill in Korshavn. The forecast is for storm this afternoon. It is raining from time to time, and we have a chance to catch up on a few things. The most important thing, apart from the blog, is to solve an increasing problem with the smell of the crew. Our shower is used as a storage space, and we are normally reluctant to empty it so it can be used for its intended purpose. Today will be an exception as soon as we have made enough water.
Most marinas offices have been closed as it is still pre-season, and not a good one at that. The advantage being that there is no one around to pay, the disadvantage is the facilities being closed. Luckily, there has been electricity on the docks to keep us warm.
Yesterday was a bit of an adrenalin day. The NE was still blowing, around 20 gusting close to 30 knots (10 (15) m/s). Reefed main and full genoa dead down wind. There is a power cable with 19 m clearance just ten minutes from Lillesand. We have passed it before, but it is still scary as out antenna is around 19.5 m above the water. We passed safely, with no hands on the wheel just in case.

The power cable is soon followed by a scary bridge. This is the start of the very narrow and beautiful “Blindleia”. An old fairway protected from the sea by a chain of islands. It is well marked and has a clearance of 19 meters (we know boats with 20-meter masts to have passed safely) and a minimum dept of around 4 meters.

The fairway is beautiful with wooded islands and many nice small settlements and should not be missed by anyone sailing this coast. Try it under power the first time.

The tricky thing is to figure out where the channel runs as there are numerous islands and possible alternatives. Swedish charts have a line showing the fairway. Norwegian charts don’t, not even the very detailed paper charts we have onboard. You must look for the markers and stone cairns ahead of you and figure it out. Not so difficult as it may sound but sailing with a following wind you feel like you are speeding towards the dangers with little room for mistakes.

From Kristiansand we had company of two other boats. One was a sailboat that we overtook, the other a converted old fishing boat that was steaming ahead of us showing the way. We were faster on the open stretches, and they were faster in the more protected parts. We made good speed and passed beautiful Ny Hellesund before lunch.

The second 19 m bridge, over Skjernosund, was cleared with a margin. Our plan had been to go to Mandal but, the following wind and current was giving us enough speed to continue around Lindesnas.The wind was still strong, and the waves grew as we were approaching the headland.
We reached passed Lindesnas with speed, doing 7-9 knots, before jibing and heading towards Korshavn.
Korshavn is a small village on the island of Revoey (Revøy). A popular place for fishing and as stop-over for boats going up the coast. Rumour has it that fuel would be cheap here but, we found prices to be like Swedish prices.

We are tied to the municipal guest dock as the only sailboat in the harbour.