We have zigzagged our way up the coast for some days now and are now in Strusshamn, a small quiet harbour outside Bergen. Bergen is a city we want to visit. It is also a city known to be very rainy. Today is one of those rainy days, so we are relaxing on the boat and hope for better weather tomorrow.

Yesterday started with drizzle during breakfast but it sone cleared some. Clouds were still hanging low on the mountain sides as we motored from Rosendal in very light winds.

We saw some unusual ships on our way. One UFO had landed by a fish farm.

And a U boat passed us later as we saild towards Bergen.

We were surprised by the strong tide we met under the bridge and in the narrow parts of Lukksund (between Tynesoeya and the mainland). It was running up to three knots an hour or so before high water.

No real dangers, we increased our speed a little to make reasonable headway through the ripples.

We had hoped to be able to sail on Bjoernafjorden (Bjørnafjorden = the bear fjord) but, the wind was light and dead against us. The sails were not unfurled until we could head NW after lunch. We then sailed until the wind disappeared behind the high mountains near Bergen.