A couple of ours motoring today has allowed us to catch up on the blogging so there are several new postings today.
We woke up to another sunny day yesterday and the wind seemed to be less than forecasted. Ahead of us was a 40 nm long open stretch of water with few sheltered harbours. We learned that the forecast was right as soon as we left our protected bay.

The wind was from the north and out first tack took us towards the point outside Holick (Hölick). We had 20 knots gusting 25 on the nose by the time we got close to the point. No problem to sail in, we have done it often enough but, why if we don’t have to? So, we tacked and sailed in under the lea of Tunaolmen where we found our own private dock where we could tie up in calm waters and sit and watch the whitecaps outside from our sunny cockpit.

We had not heard or read anything about Tunaolmen and it turned out to be a very pleasant surprise.

There is a nice walking 6 km path all around the island, mostly in the protected old woods.

It takes you between the two bays with pontoons as well as to the small old fishing village.

Today has been an upwind day. Not as strong winds as yesterday but out first hour tack was under reefed main. The wind lifted us as we headed north on the next tack and we were able to almost lay our course in decreasing winds until the wind died out. We charged the batteries for a couple of hours before reaching the SXK harbour at Lillubban around 7 pm.