Hakan and frien Anders arrived yesterday to sail south for a couple of days. The plan was to leave yesterday but pouring rain and strong winds made us rethink and stay put in the marina.

We sailed today instead. The wind was going to shift from SW (close reach) through S (dead against) to SE (close reach). We decided on an early start to be able to sail a bit in the SW. The alarm was set to 5 am and we left the marina at 5:45. The wind behaved as promised and we manage to sail relatively well along the planned route through the wind shifts with some planning and some luck.
Weather was fine bur cold. We were quite frozen and windblown by 6 pm so we decided to end the day in Molle, a seaside resort with a long history and a small harbour. A very crowded place in the summer but of season, as now, few boats and nothing open.

We took an evening walk after a nice dinner on board. Sleep came very easy this evening.

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