Kategoriarkiv: Artiklar om våra seglingar

On the hard

Hakan continued sailing in northern Buhuslan in September. Sometimes joined by friends.

Valoen nature reserve – one can use the anchor in many ways

Vaderoarna, crowded in the summer, are quiet in September


We sailwed a total of 2 200 nm during 2023.

Sally came on the hard and we tried to do as much as possible during October to prepare for an early start next year.

She was dressed for the winter by November and work now continues inside when time allows.

Winter sailing

Winter on the west coast of Sweden is normally grey and often wet with temperatures varying around freezing. There is snow one day and then rain a few days later But there are occasional crispy days when the sun shines on Sally in her winter marina.

Last Sunday (Jan 22nd) had promises of another such a rare day. There was a thin layer if ice in the marina as we walked out on the dock. But, Sally is on the outermost sida and the ice only reached half way around her.

No real problems leaving the dock but we had a bit of wrestle with some frozen lines. The deck was dry and not slippery at all. We set sails in a light breeze. The sun never made it through the haze so we warmed ourselves with coffee and turned back to the marina after an hour on the fjord.

Our new heating system keeps sally around ten degrees all the time at the dock. Whilst we were sailing, the temperature came up with the help of the engine and the old diesel fired hot air heater and, we could warm ourselves in the cabin with some soup for lunch.

It was all in all a very present albeit chilly experience. We can’t wait to go sailing again soon.

Mer information

Vi har fått stor uppskattning för våra artiklar om olika seglingsvatten och de som har fått kopior på våra hamnlistor har varit väldigt tacksamma. Nu tar vi tillfället i akt att organisera informationen bättre och göra den mer tillgänglig. Vi har skapat ett nytt menyval som vi kallar ”Länder och hamnar”. Här tänker vi, område för område samla den information vi har och får framöver.

Det är kanske inte så aktuellt just nu att segla iväg inom Europa, men vi kan alla drömma oss bort. Just nu kan det kanske också finnas lite extra tid för det. Vi hoppas vi kan stå för lite inspiration i dagsläget och information inför och under kommande seglingar. Redan nu är nästan all information inlagt, det kan komma lite till framöver.